Tales from Rat City
Attention history and science enthusiasts!
4.00pm – 5.00pm Sunday 28th May
5.00pm -5.30pm Third Rock Cafe open for Refreshments.
5. 15pm Viewing at the telescopes if clear.
Join David Waldron at the Ballarat Observatory for an exclusive and exciting show that delves into the mystery of the German Airship Hysteria that swept over Victoria in 1914.
This fascinating event was a precursor to the modern-day UFO panics of the late 20th century and took Victorians on an X-Files-like journey of Close Encounters of the Prussian kind. Through the use of magic lantern imagery, this show will feature retellings and news reports, designed to give you a taste of what the panic would have been like for the people of 1914 Victoria.
Seats for this show are limited, so don’t miss out!
Book Rat City show here
If the first show sells out, a second show will be announced.
Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to experience a pinnacle of 19th century technology and unravel the mystery of the German Airship Hysteria. Book your tickets now!
As an added bonus, weather permitting, audiences are invited to book a viewing of the stunning first quarter moon plus other deep sky objects on the same night for an additional fee of $10 for adults and $5 for concessions.
Book viewing at telescopes here