- 1st Jupiter followed by Saturn are both evening objects during November. They are both moving away from Earth, Jupiter at mag. -2.2, dist. 798,503.513km, tilt of North Pole towards Earth is -1.1761 degrees. Saturn at mag. 0.6 Dist. 1,521,711,351km. Tilt of Saturn’s North pole towards Earth is 22.5572 degrees.
- 1st Venus is a morning object rising at 04:54hr AEDT, mag. -4.0, Dist. 190,299,434km. 81.44% illuminated.
- 1st Mercury is a morning object rising at 05:48hr AEDT just before the Sun. Mag. 1.5, dist. 112,345,702km. Tilt of North Pole towards earth is 1.5058 degrees.
- 13th Lunar Perigee 07:42hr AEDT, Dist. 361,776.7km. Closest point to the Earth.
- 14th Geminids Meteor Shower Peak after midnight start ,looking below Pollux and Castor after midnight, 13,14th and 15th.
- 21st Solstice, South or Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the most southward the Sun travels in our sky. 21:03 hrs AEDT.
- 17th Jupiter, Saturn and 2 day old Moon very close, in conjunction special event details.
- 22nd Jupiter and Saturn closest since 1623, almost 400 years speical event details, nearly as long as when the first telescope was used in 1609.
- 25th Lunar Apogee 03:33hrs AEDT Dist. 405,009.9km. Furthest point form the Earth.
- 18th Leonids Meteor shower peak predawn.
- 1st Jupiter followed by Saturn are both evening objects during November. They are both moving away from Earth, Jupiter at mag. -2.2, dist. 798,503.513km, tilt of North Pole towards Earth is -1.1761 degrees. Saturn at mag. 0.6 Dist. 1,521,711,351km. Tilt of Saturn’s North pole towards Earth is 22.5572 degrees.
- 1st Venus is a morning object rising at 04:54hr AEDT, mag. -4.0, Dist. 190,299,434km. 81.44% illuminated.
- 1st Mercury is a morning object rising at 05:48hr AEDT just before the Sun. Mag. 1.5, dist. 112,345,702km. Tilt of North Pole towards earth is 1.5058 degrees.
- 14th Lunar Perigee 22:45hr AEDT, Dist. 357,841.6km.
- 18th Leonids Meteor shower peak predawn.
Leonids (LEO)Active: November 6—30; Maximum: November 18, Pre-dawn ZHR ~ 10; V∞ = 71 km/s.
The last perihelion passage of the Leonid’s parent comet, 55P/Temple-Tuttle, in 1998 is almost two decades ago now. With the knowledge of the dust ejection and trail evolution, variable activity has been modelled and observed in several years. The Leonids occur during a waxing young moon and so the shower will be good viewing this year. Credit:IMO. Radiant lower middle of image.
- 27th Monocerotids Meteor Shower Peak in the evening.
Monocerotids (019 MON) Active: November 27–December 20; Maximum: December 9 ; ZHR = 3; V∞ = 42 km/s.
This minor shower’s details need further improvement by observational data. In most years,
visual data give a maximum ZHR = 3, while the general ZHR level is about 2.
December’s new Moon period creates perfect conditions for either potential maximum timing, as the radiant area is available virtually all night for much of the globe. Credit IMO. Radiant of shower below Betelgeuse.
- 27th Luna at Apogee 11:28hr AEDT 405,892.5 km.
- 1st Mercury magnitude 0.0, rises 06:51hrs AEST, dist. 149,677,923km, very close to the Sun, sets 20:43hrs AEST.
- 1st Venus is a morning object rising at 04:17hrs AEST, illuminated 71.61% at magnitude -4.1, in Leo, distance 160,537,470km.
- 1st Mars is an evening object in Pisces rising at 19:38hrs AEST on 30th Sept, sets 07:09 hrs AEST 1st Oct. Magnitude -2.5, dist. 62,421,392km on it’s way towards a close approach on 6th Oct distance 62,077,898km mag. -2.6.
- 1st Saturn transits 12:16 hrs AEST, in Sagittarius, mag. 0.5 dist. 1,445,447,106km, sets 02:47hrs AEST.
- 1st Jupiter in Sagitarrius, mag. -2.4, dist. 727,789,061km, rises 11:40hrs AEST.
- 4th Luna at Apogee 03:24hrs AEST 406.321.4 km.
- 17th Luna at Perigee 10:49hrs AEDT 356,915.9km.
- 21st Peak of Orionids Meteor Shower NE after midnight.
- 7th Luna at Apogee 04:46 AEST 405,054.2km.
- 12th Venus is an evening object setting at 20:22 AEST at magnitude -3.9, in Virgo, distance from Earth 220,429,435km.
- 12th Mars, in Cancer just North of Venus, is an evening object and moving away from Earth, mag. -0.1 dist. from Earth 143,638,642km, sets 01:49 AEST on the 13th.
- 12th Mercury is too close tot the Sun to observe.
- 12th Saturn sets at 01:46AEST on the 13th, in Ophiuchus, mag. 0.5 distance 1,519,626,657km.
- 12th Jupiter too close to the Sun to observe.
- 23rd Southward Equinox 00:22 AEST.
- 19th Luna at Perigee 03:01 AEST 361,894.1 km.
- Meteor shower peaks are best viewed from the Northern Hemisphere during August. Perseids Meter shower
- 8th Mercury magnitude 0.8, setting at 19:48hrs AEST, dist. 111,896,867km, in the telescope a beautiful phased shaped 31.6% illuminated.
- 8th Venus is a morning object illuminated 76.6% at magnitude -4.0, in Gemini, distance 178,641,741km.
- 8th Mars is also a morning object in Cancer East of Venus and rising earlier each evening, magnitude 1.7 dist. 397,626,909km
- 8th Saturn transits 20:35 hrs AEST, in Ophiuchus, mag. 0.3 dist. 1,446,029,614km, sets Aug 9th 03:53hrs AEST.
- 8th Jupiter in Virgo, mag. -1.8, dist. 1,412,107,036km, sets 22:45hrs AEST.
- 18th Luna at Perigee 23:17hrs AEST 366,124.7 km.
- 30th Luna at Apogee 21:27hrs AEST 404,308.5km.
- 5th Luna at Perigee 15:00hrs AEST 363,726.3km.
- 11th Venus is a morning object at magnitude -3.9, in Gemini East of Betelgeuse, distance from Earth 254,908,141km, rising at 07:00hrs AEST.
- 11th Mars is an evening object setting just after the Sun at 18:45hrs AEST , in Cancer at mag. 1.8, dist. from Earth 388,826,129km.
- 11th Mercury is a an early evening object just West of Mars, mag. 2.7, dist. from Earth 90,366,690km, setting at 18:47hrs AEST.
- 11th Saturn is rising at 17:04hrs AEST, in Sagittarius, mag. 0.1 distance 1,351,334,522km. Tilt of Saturn’s north pole toward Earth is 24.39 degrees.
- 11th Jupiter transits at 22:07hrs AEST, mag. -2.5 in Ophiuchus just East of Antares ( Alpha Scorpio), distance 659,112,333km.
- 17th Partial Eclipse of the Moon
- 21st Luna at Apogee 10:02hrs AEST 405,478.6 km.
- 2nd Venus is a morning object at magnitude -3.8, in Aries West of Aldebaran, distance from Earth 238,032,404km, rising at 05:48hrs AEST.
- 2nd Mars is an evening object setting just after the Sun at 19:18hrs AEST , in Gemini at mag. 1.8, dist. from Earth 363,845,879km. Too close to sun to Observe clearly.
- 2nd Mercury is a morning object in Taurus, mag. -1.1, dist. from Earth 182,229,140km, setting at 16:04hrs AEST. Too close to Sun to observe.
- 2nd Saturn is rising earlier each night, at 19:53hrs AEST, in Sagittarius, mag. 0.3 distance 1,382,245,583km. Tilt of Saturn’s north pole toward Earth is 23.70 degrees.
- 2nd Jupiter rises 17:40hrs AEST, mag. -2.6 in Ophiuchus just East of Antares ( Alpha Scorpio), distance 643, 011,595km.
- 8th Luna at Perigee 09:15hrs AEST 368,505.2km.
- 22nd North Solstice (Winter) 01:55hrs AEST Sun rises 07:34 sets 17:17, the day is 9.43hrs in length, the shortest Day.
- 23rd Luna at Apogee 17:51hrs AEST 404,548.5 km.
- 25th April Jupiter is an evening object rising at 20 :28 AEST, mag. -2.4, dist. 688,841,819km, now moving closer to Earth. East of Antares in Scorpio.
- 25th April Mars sets 20:01hr AEST, mag 1.6, dist 328,941,440km, just North of Aldebaran in Taurus.
- 29th April Lunar Apogee 04:18hr AEST, Dist. 404,580.05km.
- 25th April Venus is a morning object, rising at 04:31hr AEST, mag. -3.1, Dist. 211,547,908km, in Pisces and East of Formalhaut – Alpha Piscis Austrinus.
- 25th April Saturn is a late night object, rising at 22:27hr AEST, mag. 0.5, Dist. 1,460,219,263km, moving towards Earth.
- 25th Mercury is just East of Venus and as a morning object, rising at 04:55hr AEST , mag. -0.1, dist. 159,484,270km.
- 6th May peak of Eta Aquarid meteor shower.
- 14th May Lunar Perigee 05:51hr AEST, Dist. 369,012.68km.
- 26th May Lunar Apogee 23:25hr AEST, Dist. 404,137.2km.
- 8th Luna Apogee 15:29hrs AEST dist. 404,146.6km.
- 2oth Jupiter rises 18:49hrs AEST in Libra dist. 667,638,939km Mag, -2.5 just West of Antares, Alpha Scorpio
- 2oth Mars rises at 22:27hrs AEST dist. 139,825,106km Mag. -0.1, Just East of Saturn in Sagittarius.
- 2oth Saturn rises 21:46hrs, dist. 1,442,388,191km Mag.0.4, in Sagittarius near the centre of the Milky Way and West of Mars.
- 2oth Venus rises 08:57hrs AEST, dist. 223,729,550km Mag -3.9, just East of the Sun in Taurus, 90.52% illuminated.
- 2oth Mercury rises 04:49hrs AEST, dist. 107,975,520km Mag 0.8, West of the Sun.
- 21st Luna at Perigee 00:39hrs AEST 368,713.4 km.
- 22nd peak of Lyrids Meteor shower.
- ANT during April
- 11th Lunar Perigee 06:27hr AEDT, Dist. 360,467.0km.
- 1st Jupiter morning object rising earlier at 04 :20 AEDT, mag. -1.9, dist. 907.339,577km. East Antares in Scorpio and Mars.
- 1st Mars sets 02:33hr AEDT, mag 1.4, dist 291,233,783km close to Antares, they look similar in colour.
- 1st Venus is a morning object, rising at 22:31hr AEDT, mag. -4.1, Dist. 162,8837,292km, in aquarius.
- 1st Saturn is a morning object, rising at 05:15hr AEDT, mag. 0.6, Dist. 1,641,221,960km, tilt of north pole toward Earth 22.56 degrees.
- 1st Mercury is an evening object, setting at 21:27hr AEDT , mag. -1.0, dist. 177,767,633km East of Saturn.
- 11th Lunar Perigee 06:27hr AEDT, Dist. 360,467.0km.
- 26th Lunar Apogee 21:35hr AEDT, Dist. 406,276.6km.
- 3rd Earth closest to the sun, 147,099,760km.
- 7th Latest sunset for the year 20.52hr AEDT.
- 17th Jupiter morning object rising at 03:17 AEDT, mag. -1.8, dist. 903,367,730km. East of Antares in Scorpio.
- 17th Mars sets 00:11hr AEDT, mag 0.7, dist 209,338,525km, in Pisces.
- 17th Venus is a morning object, rising at 03:09hr AEDT, mag. -4.8, Dist. 113.380,759km.
- 17th Saturn is a morning object, rising at 05:18hr AEDT, mag. 0.5, Dist. 1,647,566.815km.
- 17th Mercury is a morning object, rising at 05:33hr AEDT , mag. -o.8, dist. 211,592,169km East of Saturn.
- 22nd Lunar Perigee 06:59hr AEDT, Dist. 357,343.6km.
- 5th Luna at Apogee 15:11hr AEDT 404,445.1km.
- 5th Jupiter is a low evening object for the first week then is not observable for several weeks when it will become a morning object. Distance 925,285,705km.
- Magnitude -1.8.10th Mars is an early morning object, rises 04:02hr AEDT, distance 349,142,713km. Magnitude 1.7.
- 5th Venus sets 22.54hr AEDT, distance 208,751,799km, Magnitude -3.9. In Libra.
- 10th Mercury is a morning object in Libra, mag. -0.6, Distance 185,306,601km. Rises 04.58hr AEDT.
- 7th Earliest sunrise for the year 05:53hr AEST.
- 14th Peak Geminids Meteor Shower, north after midnight.
- 19th Luna Perigee 07:32hr AEDT 370,259.1km.
- 22nd South Solistice 03:20 hr AEDT.